
Know your voice - why are you the right person to tell this story?

Unlike being a journalist where your job is (ideally) to report just the unbiased facts, the nice thing about being on social media is that you get to take a stance and speak out against (or in support of) whatever you wish.  Who you are and where you came from will determine the voice you use to communicate your message.

Where do you draw your lines in the sand for propriety when addressing your audience?  Do you use humour or wit or sarcasm?  Are you shocking?  Do you have the gift of gentle persuasion?  Are you inspirational?  You need to be YOURSELF when you "speak."

How will people relate to you?  What are your personal experiences?  What are you passionate about and why?  What is your background or expertise?  
What are your strengths?  Are you a writer? An events organizer?  A celebrity?  How can you use those skills, abilities, assets to your benefit?  Who do you know and what are your connections?  Who should you collaborate with?
How will you present your case and draw the right emotions (outrage, hope) you need to make your message compelling?  Humour? Music? Statistics? Images?  All of the above?

examples: Different ways of communicating "rape culture" - which voice is most like yours?

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